2. Skinny jeans, but not cropped or ankle. I like long jeans.
3. Ac/dc. I like almost every song they've done.
4. Snug ankle socks. In winter, snug crew socks. Thick ones.
5. That one style Victoria Secret bra, in beige and black and red. Beige for every day. Black for when the straps will show. Red to be a hint for Tom.
6. Basil plants. I always love having a renewable source of basil
7. Massage! Gift certificates for massage are WONDERFUL!!!!
8. Tattoos
9. Getting my hair done
10. John Sandford books
11. Clear sodas
12. Coors Light Draft
13. Nailhead trim
14. Garden gnomes, but the British kind with faces, not the Swedish ones with just a hat and a nose
15. Long sleeved, ankle length, cotton nightgowns. The grandma kind with lace trim and ruffles
16. Houseplants
17. Writing long comments on Reddit and Quora
18. Journaling
19. Ramones tee shirts
20. 3/4 length sleeves
21. The kind of shirts that the lady on the cop show who the cops go to talk to and she's working in her garden and stands up, takes off her gardening gloves, and wipes her hands on her pants before asking them why they're there wears. (Oddly specific, I know.)
22. Watching TV with Tom and he lays down with his head in my lap
23. Mail order weed gummies