Thursday, September 26, 2019

A few of my favorite things

Long flannel nightgowns with lace at the collar
Thick heavy books that feel like you're eating them as you read
Poems by people who don't care what you think of them
Men who demand intelligence
Soft socks that don't dig in at the top
Crinkly quilts that get softer the more you use them
Cats that sleep next to you on the bed
Sleeping curled up like puppies
Thick hearty soup that warms to the core
Hot coffee/tea/cocoa/cider sipped slowly
Shoes that go with everything
Hot showers that never run cold
Big hugs from small children
Woodburning fireplaces
Pajamas with feet
Underwear that stays on the outside
Small chocolates while menstruating
Rainy weather
A soft chair
An oversized cardigan

Footy pajamas

Heavy blankets

A cat on my lap

Blowing my nose with tissues that have lotion in them

Cleaning my glasses with tissues that don't have lotion in them

Being able to tell the difference before smearing my glasses with lotion.

Crinkly beards

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